Elevating the Caribbean

Our commitment goes well beyond creating the most exceptional experience for our guests. We are committed to Elevating the Lives of the People of the Caribbean. It is with this in mind that we established Leve- the Event on location at Villa Being, Tobago.
Lévé Aims to Elevate and Celebrate All Things Exceptional and Caribbean
Lévé Aims to Elevate and Celebrate All Things Exceptional and Caribbean Lévé is a creole word that means to ‘lift up’, ‘uplift’ or ‘elevate’. Lévé aims to elevate and celebrate all things exceptional and Caribbean. Lévé draws on the aura, beauty and excellence of the Caribbean – fine art, fashion, cuisine, culture, rum and rhythm, and most importantly, the energy and talent of our people.
This invitation-only Lévé event reflects a coming together of creative excellence. It aims to uplift spirits, products, destinations, people, passion and talent. Lévé is more than an event. It is a movement – a movement that sets the stage and provides a platform for the marketing, promotion, sales and export of the best talent and exceptional products and experiences from the Caribbean.
Why Lévé?
There could not be a better time to Lévé – to lift up the Caribbean to the world. In this economic and global environment, we need to lift up and promote talent, to create new markets and earn foreign exchange. We believe that it is not the energy in the ground (oil and natural gas), but the energy of the Caribbean people that will drive its success and sustainability. We need the world to ‘feel’ our energy; and to Live the Caribbean.
Lévé's Aim
The Lévé Academy aims to uplift talent in all facets of the tourism and services industries; to demonstrate that valuable linkages can be created between tourism and the creative industries; and to develop a marketplace where talent and great products can be more firmly integrated into Caribbean lifestyle and its valuable and growing travel and tourism industry.